Monday, June 29, 2009

KKKarol still acting the fool

Well, it's been about a month since my last update. My rig is on the way back from the shop finally. Yaesu don't give a rip about speed but their service is pretty good otherwise. Cost me a pretty penny too. Maybe I'll have to sell my qsl collection on epay to get er out of hock, HI HI.

I'm listening to that idiot KKKarol up in Cana-duh right now at 10 PM my time. He says he's going to rip the new enforcement lady a new one on Cana-duh day. My ain't he special. He wants to beat up on a lady he never met. There's a officer and a gentleman for you.

Seems my old pal Dave the incredible shrinking brain in Vermont is in some trouble according to folks on 275. I hear tell pot head Dave is fixin to lose his ticket finally for those threats against Brian and Riley and Daveys malicious QRM with ol KKKarol. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Guess ol Dave is about to join Porkbutt and David Castle in radio prison. Maybe there is some justice in the world after all.

Canada don't regulate potty mouth talk or threats but from the scuttlebut I got, nobody in the U.S.A. or Cana-duh is payin any attention to ol KKKarol's whining anymore anyway. For a few months he managed to get email from the FCC until the nice lady figgered out he's a G-damn liar and a nutcase, just like Riley always said he was.

I'll never forget Riley callin him a fruitcake at Dayton in 2008. Good ol Riley.

I also hear the Toad from Taylorville may be in some trouble for the same kind of threats Dave made. And old Marky the mental spammer from Chassell, MI is still jamming, spamming, and stealing peoples identities. Why don't he get a job, stop harrassing folks, and stay off that damn computer?

At least some of these folks should be in radio prison or behind bars real soon.

Naturally, it's ol KKKarol's fault. We all know he riles up the retards and the insane folk down here like Toad and Marky and then hides in his crappy little shack behind the border on an island where he knows damn well he won't get visitors coming to call because he's so damn far off the beaten path. That man is a true coward if there ever was one. Musta cracked his fool skull when he fell down that hatch drunk off his fool head.

Well, field day was good from down here at the club. Next time I'm on the air it will be to home using my ol faithful Yaesu FT-100MP. Until next time, let's keep helping the feds put these whacko behind bars and off the air.

73 for now