Saturday, December 6, 2008

RCMP and Karol Again huh? Figures.

Sorry about the absence and not updating the page. Had to do some maintenance around the house like painting and such and haven't been paying attention much. Been working a lot of cw on 80 meters and bands have been pretty good!

Reading it looks like old Karol up in Saanich, BC may be in some trouble again. The article mentions something about stalking, extortion, and vandalism. Oh my! This isn't the first time rcmp have been in intersted in ve7kfm. Seems I remember his saying they've been to his place quite a bit in the last few years.

Also reading where that nutcase Mark has been sending out fake sos calls again and getting his own visits from cops or sheriffs or what have you. Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Got an email from Stan saying somebody discovered Mark had a little trip to the nut hatch back in 2004. Got the info from one of those freedom of information sites the government runs. Now theres a surprise huh?

Now if old potty mouth Karol in British Columbia wants to stalk somebody, why is he stalking another mans wife? Can't he find a woman of his own? Guess I answered my own question there, Hi Hi.

Maybe the potty mouth fruitcake will have better luck with a fcc under the Obama administration. But, maybe not. Obama will be too tied up with the car companies and bailing out rich bankers to notice a failure and ham radio crackpot up in Canada. What a deal, eh? Like I always say, You Cain't Fix Stupid!


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