Saturday, October 11, 2008

Solar Cycle 24 firing up.

Space Weather News for Oct. 11, 2008

NEW SUNSPOT: A "new-cycle" sunspot belonging to Solar Cycle 24 is emerging near the sun's northeastern limb. This is the third time in as many weeks that a new-cycle sunspot has interrupted the year's remarkable run of blank suns. The accelerating pace of new-cycle sunspot production is an encouraging sign that, while solar activity remains very low, the sunspot cycle is unfolding more or less normally. We are not stuck in a permanent solar minimum. Readers with solar telescopes should train them on the sun this weekend to observe sunspot genesis in action.

AURORA WATCH: Sky watchers from Alaska to Scandinavia should be alert for auroras tonight. A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field and causing high-latitude geomagnetic storms.

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Yesterday I worked Tasmania (VK7) LONG PATH over the North Pole.
Great signals both ways.

Keep a watch on long patch you will be surprised. Like point
your antenna East and make some noise.

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