Sunday, June 15, 2008

Anyone catch the Tolassi and Madera jam session on Saturday?

WA1BHV and VE7KFM really had a good time yesterday (Saturday, 15 June). There was a ongoing QSO on 14.275 for at least an hour before the bedlam began. I was working on my computer and hadn't said a word, I heard K3VR, KI4LUB, K3PZ and several others having a nice chat. When here comes the "Incredible Shrinking Brain" David Tolassi WA1BHV from Vermont. I just listened to a MP3 of the whole event. One more for the collection David.

He was told by several people to go away, the freq was in use, etc. And he just started talking to himself (this is his normal way of disrupting things). The more and longer he does this the more folks that just happen by seem to see it as he is the VICTIM. And some of them join the fray. It is a good plan. One David has used since the early 90s while doing the same game up on 14.300/313.

Then he puts out a call to VE7KFM, who of course just happens to be there and says "I was just answering your call David". Amazing isn't it? Isn't SKYPE a wonderful invention? Most probably there are people out there that actually think VE7KFM is the victim. Which I can say this professional help, you need it.

As long as Industry Canada allows this Canadian Crazy man to have a license THIS CRAP WILL CONTINUE. As long as American hams allow people like WA1BHV to disrupt other people then this crap will continue. The FCC will eventually act, as long as it does not cost them any money. Believe me they ain't in no hurry. You want to know when Tolassi will be acted on? Check his license renewal date.

Well I assure both of you clowns and ALL that support you that you will be going down. You are destroying Amateur Radio and the more people out there that hear you guys in action the worse it will be for you.

Remember folks go to www.ve7kfm.comClick Here for latest updates and MP3 files of these clowns in action. And you people out there that want this crap elliminated think about it. Why are some of you convinced (read N9OGL, KB9RQZ, NR5T, etc.) supporting these clowns? Your no more than the laughing stock of decent radio amateurs. This is NOT CB and I really wish you would quit trying to turn it into that.

You claim you have the right to use your "aparatus". That's right you do, as long as you use it in a legal manner. You claim the right to freedom of speech. Just remember your so called "rights" also have responsibilities. The rest of us have those same rights. Words mean things. Remember Fred dropping by your house a few years back? How you were on twenty meters begging for help. As he was beating on your door to let you in? Remember how you called to cops, remember David? You never learn do you?

The only reason VE7KFM is still spouting his garbage is the Canadian Government is impotent and GUTLESS, not to mention CLUELESS. And yes Karol...your out of our reach. But even that won't last forever. Why don't you go out any more Karol? Why won't you come to the door when someone knocks on it? Why is the local police very informed about you? Why do your neighbors HATE your guts Karol?

And for you David....With the exception of NR5T, who is a world class fool, what has happened to all of your buddies? You were off of 20 meters for 3 solid years, why was that David? You slipped by on your last renewal. Do you think you will get by so easy this time? Remember what happened when Herby tried to convince the Administrative Law Judge that he was right? more ticket. Your next Tolassi.



Anonymous said...

I heard Tolassi interfering on 275 all day long and when he called Madera I knew right away it was designed to mess up the frequency for all the other hams. These two lame brains are stupid and disgusting!

Rick, ETJ

Dan/W4NTI said...

Rick, ETJ

Appreciate your input. This is a old trick he has played it for years. He would do it near daily on 14.3/313 back in the "radio wars". In between his out right jamming of the Intercon and MM nets. And of course his "good buddy" The Texas Twit, NR5T.

David thinks it's all "FUN". Lets see how much fun when he explains it all to a ALJ in DC.


Anonymous said...


David tubesteak is on 12.275 right now telling a new comer how bad this frquency is and to stay away from K3VR who will have your license pulled if you don't agree with what Brian says. David went on to tell the uninformed newbie that Carol, VE7KFM was the real person to side with because he does not lie like Brian does. He has totally lost his mind and deserved to be hospitalized. I am a firm beleiver in ass whoppings as we did in the military. The only difference was that we called them "blanket parties" there.

Anonymous said...


David tubesteak is on 12.275 right now telling a new comer how bad this frquency is and to stay away from K3VR who will have your license pulled if you don't agree with what Brian says. David went on to tell the uninformed newbie that Carol, VE7KFM was the real person to side with because he does not lie like Brian does. He has totally lost his mind and deserved to be hospitalized. I am a firm beleiver in ass whoppings as we did in the military. The only difference was that we called them "blanket parties" there.