Friday, June 27, 2008


This is one of those traditions of Ham Radio that must, well should, be respected.
It is called FIELD DAY. It is not a contest, it was/is a demonstration of the
ability of Amateur Radio Operators to communicate with other Amateur Radio Operators while using portable stations.

So even if you don't have a local club, just jump in as a home station and enjoy it all.

Go to WWW.ARRL.ORG and search for FIELD DAY and have some fun.



Anonymous said...

Will try to work FD on 275. Hopefully Tolassi (the incredible shrinking brain) and Carol Sue (the Canadian anti-Christ) will be at the gay bath house and leave us be so we can play radio.

God Bless!


Unknown said...

Howdy Dan:

THE WORST conditions for Field Day I've EVER experienced in my 38 years of hamming. I'm really getting worried that Cycle 24 is gonna be a big bust.

I did make the best of it, though. Ran into a lot of young people down on ten meters last night....E-skip. So I spotted them on the Cluster to get 'em some contacts. One teenage YL got so upbeat after making a QSO with me and a few of the other OM's on her contest frequency, her voice just perked right up and she was really having fun!

Moral of the story: If conditions suck for you, go make them better for somebody else. You might just make their day.

73, Bill - WA8MEA

Dan/W4NTI said...


Hey good hearing from ya. I took a spin by on Kentucky Fried Morons private push (Army speak for frequency). And all I heard was Mikey slapping the contesters around. Oh well, no body ever said Mikey had any tact, now did they? hi.

I just played a few hours on Sat and even less on Sunday due to WX.

Had fun, CW of course.


Dan/W4NTI said...

Hey Bill,

Boy you got that right. Then on top of the crummy propagation there were thunderbumpers all around. I just passed some Q's out from the house.

The local club around here is too eat up with their own importance with EMCOM to know how to do a field day.

You know, burnt hot dogs, failed generators, rain in the 6146 cage and watching it all catch fire....hi.

So, as usual I just stayed home and played a bit.

I heard that on ten, but it didn't last long for me. Think all I heard was a couple stations on phone and zip on CW.

Good show.