Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Twit, The Kanuk, and the VT Queen on today

Seems VE7KFM has been caught in another lie. How many times have we heard his antenna only works in a 3 kc (khz) window, so THAT IS WHY he operates on 14.275 and below? Well it seems to work alright on 14.313. What a strange choice of frequencies. The TWO ABSOLUTELY WORSE FREQUENCIES EVER TO EXIST on 20 METERS, and KAROL OPERATES THEM. Does that say anything? Yeah I know.

Dougy, the Texas Twit had just sighed off and KFM calls him. The twit was so happy I was waiting to hear the bed pan get kicked over. KFM Immediatly blusters and flusters and the Twit flip flops over and over. OF COURSE the discussion turns IMMEDIATLY to KZ8O (Mike in MI), and how thrilled they are that Mike's antenna rotar is frozen to the East. Now they are positive their QRM is over on 20 meters. Yeah right, as if that is all that hate his guts. We should be so lucky.

Then the subject turns to me. According to the TWIT he dislikes me because I attack his so called friend of MANY YEARS BEFORE HE KNOW ME, David WA1BHV. And that I made the twit mad because I tried to convert him from his liberal beliefs.

Fact one; David Tolassi, under the call of KC1ZQ and KB1EVE spent hours weekly jamming Douglas Jerry, NR5T. The Texas Twit ran a net called "The Texas Traders Net" on 300 or 313, depending which had been left alone by the BARF that day. David would drive to work every morning and use a high power trash amplifier (read CB make over) and blow Dougy off the air more times than not. In fact I'm sure I've got a tape of that, and David loving it, and Dougy laughing about it all. I'll see if I can find that. This was back during the time when Dougy was a BARFy, Soon to switch sides to the "sewer rats" (Dougy called those against the BARF).

Fact two: Dougy and I have known each other since the early 90s, when I (like a dummy) jumped into his silly game and decided to support his side of things...clarification...that was when he was a anti barfy, and I think claimed to be Jewish at that time. Soon to become a Hindu, or was that American Indian, or whatever...hard to keep up with the boy, you know.

Fact Three: Did you all know that Dougy admitted to me that he was a card carrying anti-war protester of the sixties? He also claimed to be at a demonstration at TRAVIS AFB in California and was one of the crowd that "welcomed me home". He has no idea how lucky he was since a large portion of those getting off the stretch DC-8 Braniff airplane were STILL carrying their weapons and ammo. You see we left in a hurry, being shot at at all. But that's another story.

One more thing: David and I have and will continue to have major problems. He spent years, nay DECADES screwing with me about my Military Service. I tried on MANY occasions to work it out with him. And he comes back with more. He used to make helicopter sounds on me every time I came on the air. This got real old after a few YEARS. He was a self admitted DRAFT DODGER and made a point of being PROUD of IT. Nuff said for now.

Anyway Dougy liked to switch sides a lot. Like he is doing right now with VE7KFM. Did anyone catch Dougy's scathing anti Karol rant on Jon Cunninghams page a while back. It was a well written piece about how bad Karol was, and how Karol should knock it off. I said....the twit is like a beached big mouth bass..flippin and floppin away....hi hi.

Poor Karol has a heck of a high opinion of Dougy, I can hardly wait till the Texas snake in the grass floops over and bites Karol. Should be soon since Karol is now a true believer.

Years ago Little Dougy told me he thought all of this radio stuff was just for fun. He don't believe a thing he says or does on the radio. THAT IS EXACTLY CORRECT. BELIEVE IT.

So Karol has the perfect sounding board, actually he has two. Tolassi won't be around long. Trust me.

Speaking of sounding boards....whatever happened to N9VTB? Jerku in Chicago...why did he have to leave the country? I guess that means he is not a citizen. these times of Al-Queda he needs to be real careful who he associates with. ESPECIALLY a certain Canadian Immigrant. How's it go? "Stay Tuned"

This is better than a Soap Opera ain't it folks?

What these clowns forget is that I, Dan, W4NTI have been in there all along. And I'm STILL here. FCC ain't tossed me off or given me a "time out" like others. And yep ole Karol had Jerku get via FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) all sorts of e-mails between Riley H. and myself. Stuff he immediatly forwarded to Karol Madera, a non US Citizen, who takes it out of context and spreads it out like the BS he has on his page and out of his mouth. I certainly did have run ins with Riley. And guess what? I got renewed, no problem. I'm still here. So make up your own minds.



Anonymous said...

The "Canada is all about free speech" fruitcake has a new blog that doesn't allow for comments like you do.

He's afraid people might say something he doesn't like. For someone who yanks the free speech chain he, like most liberals want to be the one speaking. When someone else speaks back, that just isn't allowed.

They should hire him for Air America, the fruitloops who sue to remain on the air, even when they don't pay their staff or their bills.

Typical, what a loser.

Dan/W4NTI said...

I just went and read the alleged K3VR Blog (Duhhhh it's really by KFM) and I thought it was pathetic. I made a comment in a Post today (Sunday).

It is amazing how many of Karol's friends are cut from the same cloth. Like peas in a pod. Certainly no competition.

Although there used to be a Doctor in Karol's group. Whatever happened to him? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA