Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mark Morgan, KB9RQZ in denial again

Seems Marky Morgan was under the weather recently. He isn't too sure what the cause was, but he did hit on it. God is trying to tell him something. You want a funny read, check this out; Click Here

Keep it handy, it's good for a laugh or two, or an insight into a demented mind.

Wonder what happened to his buddies blog? N9OGL....oh that's right it was pulled for child pornography.

What all this has to do with ham radio, I have no idea. But Marky has chosen to drag me into his dark world of indecent thoughts, in fact he has actually turned me into Child Welfare for a vulgar act. Of course that has all been dismissed. But not by me Marky. Your choice, your screw up. AND I DON'T FORGIVE something like this.

Don't you think that so called "bladder infection" was a bit strange? And the Doctor missed it? Wonder why? Ever hear of Wicka and Covens. Ask David Tolassi if he knows about them.

Have a good day.



Anonymous said...

A judgement from God was placed on Mark for bearing false witness. I doubt he'll learn his lesson though. People like Mark are too stupid to learn from their mistakes.

Dan/W4NTI said...

He is perfect and always right? Didn't you know that?

Karol told him that.