Tuesday, November 18, 2008


RAC President Discusses Lack of Support From IC, Ponders Taking Over Administration of Service

"There is no shortage of grumbling among Amateurs about the resources Industry Canada devotes to our interests. Well, if we think we’re so smart — and if we think we know what’s best for us, let us take on the job of administering ourselves. Let IC set the rules — they are the authority after all — but let us undertake the initiatives to make sure that the administrative side is handled in a way that meets our needs... Could we do a better job than IC? Perhaps not, but at least we would be more sensitive to our collective interests."

Many Canadian amateurs have made numerous complaints to Industry Canada regarding Karol Madera's misuse of the airwaves. All complainants have discussed Jim Laursen's lackadaisical performance and attitude regarding their legitimate concerns. A petition to have Laursen removed and/or sued for failure to perform is said to be presently in the works. We will have more news as events proceed.

See http://ve7kfm.com for more details or

Click here this site.


Anonymous said...

Would be nice to see them do something,but I wouldn't hold my breath. It's tough to sue a goverment offical in this country and maybe harder in Canada, onlt time will tell

Anonymous said...

Easier in Canada, and you can sue for failure to perform, unlike in the US, I believe. Jim has certainly held back critical information and failed to work with RAC and other Canadadian complainants, not to mention failing to work with your FCC, but as you say, time will tell.



Anonymous said...


According to Industry Canada documents, compliance action is carried out by local District Offices. IC also indicates that the time they can devote to such activities varies, according to local resource availability and immediate priorities. (1)

Many American and Canadian amateurs have made numerous complaints to Industry Canada regarding Karol Madera's (VE7KFM) misuse of the airwaves. Many complainants have lamented Jim Laursen's lackadaisical performance and attitude regarding their legitimate concerns.

Madera has claimed (on the air) that he has incriminating pictures of Jim Laursen at Madera's local bath house. Madera also claims Laursen will let Madera do what ever he wants over the air. Madera also claims, he has been "commissioned by Canada to change the world's perception of wishy-washy, spineless, shuffling, Canadians."

Madera has made threats toward government officials; wished roadside bombs on Americans; wished harm to the RCMP, and; called anyone who disagrees with him a Mother Fucker, who ought to have his teeth shoved out his asshole. He also regularly asks others to suck his cock. (2)

Detailed procedures are described in Industry Canada document IPC-3-24-13, entitled:

"Notice to Appear and Summons for Summary Conviction Offences Contravening the Radiocommunication Act"

Madera claims this document does not pertain to him. Madera claims Canada allows him to say and do what ever he wishes. Madera jams frequencies while others use them, then claims Americans are jamming him.

Industry Canada documents indicate:

Radio inspectors may use certain tools (3) such as a "Notice to Appear" or a "Summons" to deal with summary conviction offences to help resolve harmful interference and administrative predicaments expeditiously. Yet, in 3+ years of slander and abuse of the airwaves, there's no sign of administrative sanction from Industry Canada where Karol Madera (VE7KFM) is concerned. The question is, why?


(1) http://www.rac.ca/regulatory/faqgovt4.htm

(2) http://ve7kfm.com

(3) http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/sf01374e.html#InternalProceduresCirculars

See RIC-66 available on the Industry Canada web site.

This has been an editorial comment by Ron Barnett, KI4LUB

Dan/W4NTI said...

As an American and a long time friend of of neighbor to the North, Canada. It hurts me to see VE7KFM continue nearly day after day with his attacks.

I appreciate all comments on how to get Industry Canada to take this clown down.

And to you Americans doing the Jamming. WHY? Just get on there and TALK OVER THIS IDIOT. FCC DOESN't SEEM TO MIND.


Anonymous said...

I dont think that one person in Canada gives a Damn! Like most civil employees of different countries, have their jobs for life and answer to no ONE. Jim Larsen is a gem of an enforcement
officer, with his own agenda to never be promoted! He walks around with a 50 page manifesto from Saanich,Bc and a centerfold of a queer man and his Shack!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Industry Canada will ever do anything about Karol, the silly old drunken homo.

One day, Karol will die and the problem will just go away. Then, his rusty old P.O.S. Volvo might show up on eBay Motors.

Anonymous said...

karol madera ve7kfm still a Mr.
karol madera ve7kfm, still claims he is a Capt ret.. Even with the update list of April 2008, karol says he is of higher rank, that He (madera) put him self up to. madera has also claimed, he misspelled Mr. to Capt ret. karol madera ve7kfm still a "Liar"

Web Site Data April 2008.xls

Class College# Rank First NamInitials Last Name Year of EnEntry CollGrad Coll Lost Deceased Date Died
1964 6154 Mr LaVerne Page Abbott 1960 RMC RMC
1965 6582 Colonel (RBrent D Abbott 1961 RRMC RMC
1969 7950 Mr Dick R. Abbott 1964 CMR RMC Lost
1972 9019 Robert P.R. Abbott 1967 CMR RMC Deceased
1977 11201 Captain RG RG Abbott 1972 CMR RMC Lost1989
16934 Captain Craig CA Abbott 1985 RRMC RMC Deceased 6/1/2005
2007 23717 Second LieTimothy WJ Abbott 2003 RMC
1994 19297 Captain Zauher H Abdullah 1990 RMC RMC Lost
1970 8548 Mr Karol KF Madera 1966 RRMC RMC
1960 4819 Mr Dick R.J. Madge 1956 RMC RMC
1936 RCNSE28 Captain (NEIG EIG Madgwick 1936 RCNC Lost


For more about karol madera ve7kfm Please visit;
www.ve7kfm.com www.w4nti.com