Sunday, November 23, 2008


Send this to your congressman/woman
Courtesy of Jim Dale, KE4TEW with some
editing by Dan/W4NTI

Remember back about a year ago when the majority of congress and Big Bank all decided that it would be a good idea to make it harder for you, The Little Guy, to file bankruptcy and get out of BAD DEBT? They all managed to come together to stick it to you real good.
Well, it’s those same players that are now coming to you, The Little Guy, and expecting all of us to bail them out of BAD DEBT! I have some advice for the members of congress and Big Bank…

EXCUSE ME ????????


Whatever principles (graft) and directives (graft) that brought you to the conclusion that we, as a society, should be “more responsible” and not be able to easily dissolve our BAD DEBT are the same principles and directives that should be used in this case to address the problems that both congress and Big Bank have brought on themselves.

If me and you, The Little Guy, has to ride a sinking ship of debt to the depths of the ocean then so should Big Bank, the BIG THREE, and heaven forbid..BIG OIL... Period.

You jerks need The Little Guy now, after you shit on us? Screw You.

You fly in to congress in your private jets, with your hands out
for ANOTHER handout. DEPENDING on the time proven ability of
congress's ability to snow the public. I just hope it don't work
this time. There isn't enough money in all the vaults in all
the countries in the entire world to satisfy the GREED this event
will trigger.

Just remember this by our second President;

'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have' - Thomas Jefferson

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