Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Whitney, the crazed Combat Killer

I have been debating if I should discuss this situation, or not. I decided it is good to bring it all out in the open, so here goes.

For quite a while now I have been aware of a fella known as Whitney Tritch, N3ZV.
He first blipped across the radar scope on QRZ.com. This is where he was eventually banned for stealing another hams call and trying to assume his identity. Of course the moderators caught that right off. He apparently didn't bother to try and cover his digital trail.

For whatever reasons, known only to him he has decided to become a rabid follower of VE7KFM. Lets jump to last night.

I heard him on 14.275 several times but never knew who it was, one time a few weeks ago he actually used his call sign. So since I am pretty good at remembering those things I filed it under future reference.

Yesterday as I was in QSO with many of my regular friends on 14.275 in comes Whitney, no call sign BTW. Chastising us and saying he is recording it all and was going to send it into Riley. I just couldn't resist here. I asked the unidentified interloper "Just what are you turning us in for?" I asked him several times. No reply. Now this is NOT the first time I've heard Whitless do this. So I decided to engage him in conversation. Which was a waste of time since he wouldn't explain what it was we were doing wrong. He did mention that he has self anointed himself as the top Kilocycle Kop and has decided to rid ham radio of the so-called MISFITS. (Notice that this is what his leader calls us, VE7KFM). He has claimed on several occasions that his major concern is the RULE VIOLATORS. And here he is refusing to use his call sign. Excuse me...Can anyone say HYPOCRITE here?

He also proceeded to go on a several minute rant against K3VR. It was basically a verbatim speech that KFM uses on a near nightly basis. And I though Communism was dead.

Now here is some interesting data concerning Mr. Tritch. It seems he sent to Riley Hollingsworth a bunch of tapes of the alleged "problems" on 14.275. Well your gonna love this guys and gals. These tapes were made in VE7KFM's shack. And I have heard Whitless say he had visited Karol. So I can only assume he picked up the tapes there and carried them to the States. Well in any case the tapes were listened to by Riley H. and laughed at by all. Whitless was banned for provided false information to the FCC, and told to stay out of the Gettysburg office. SOOOOO..that means Whitless must have hand carried them to Riley in a desperate attempt to sway his views.

I wonder Whitney is this where you told Riley you were in the Navy and had got shot in the head while in a SUBMARINE, name of which was Carver I believe? Which brings up a point. How is it a intercom repair specialist would be in a position to get shot in the head, while on a SUBMARINE? Did you carry a weapon and it went off by accident? Or was the crew just trying to kill you? Now there is a real thought, eh?...hmmmmmmm. Which brings me to this, he told me in writ ting he was in a WAR, but it wasn't a war like the Government does not consider Korea and Vietnam. He said he 37 and a half KILLS and had JUMPED OUT OF 167 Aircraft. AND that he was wounded in the Military AND AS A CIVILIAN. When asked for more details, he fessed up and said it was in the 80s and was KOREA on the DMZ. And yes I know the war is not officially over.

I especially like the way he belittled the men and women who fought and died, and of course wounded in Korea and Vietnam. "Those were not real wars". Tell ya what Whitless, if VN and Korea weren't "real wars" just what the hell was? Dumbass.

I recommended he read "Stolen Valor" and then pray to God he don't run into a real Combat Veteran. People like he makes me sick. Trying to impress people with lies and bullcrap. When he did so last night, he tried to strengthen his position by saying I claimed to be a war hero. This is something I NEVER HAVE CLAIMED. Again just to show you he gets his marching orders from Karol, VE7KFM who got most of his erroneous information about me from my enemy David Tolassi, WA1BHV, and his buddy NR5T. They just make it up as they go and Karol sucks it up like the fool he is.

For the record, I never served in the jungle, I never claimed to be a hero of any sort. However what I did do was coordinate combat air strikes, mainly in III crops of Vietnam. And I put in the first AIR STRIKES in the Capital Military District of SAIGON during the TET offensive of Jan/Feb 1968. I AM PROUD OF WHAT I DID. I SAVED AMERICAN AND ALLIED LIVES. These people bring up my military history and modify it as the chose. This because they know it causes me strife, now you know the type of people I am dealing with. You all make up your own minds.



Dan/W4NTI said...

Good hearing from anonymous (lots of them around here...hi) and Hank,

You know your right anonymous, it's tough to breath up there...hi hi.....

Your right Hank....You hit it on the head, what kind of fool indeed. Ur right, they come and go and we are still here.

Thanks for your input guys.


Anonymous said...

If Karol's in Toronto, maybe he'll get drunk again and have sex again with ol' mama.

Anonymous said...

Whitless shot in the head on a sub??Never happened,firearms on a sub are under lock and key and in a safe that only the Master Of Arms has the combantion for. A gunshot in a sub is a dangerous thing. I like you Dan,would like to know if Nam was not a war then what the hell was it....I know, a police action, my ass, 56,000 dead is a war no matter what you call it

Viet Nam '71-'73

Dan/W4NTI said...


THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Can you believe these people? You, a MARINE, a real man has to put up with the likes of this clown Whitney Tritch. I can only imagine what goes through your head.

These clowns don't have a clue, do they? Hero...what the hell is that? What I know is this...ANYONE with the STONES to put on a MARINE UNIFORM don't HAVE TO TAKE THIS SHIT FROM THESE WANABEES. A slow hand salute to you...SIR.

I can ONLY HOPE that I was of some value over there. All I did was cooridinate air strikes. I worked a LOT of close in TIC (troops in contact) and I KNOW I helped save American lives.

I don't claim to be a hero in any stretch of the imagination. But I am damn sure NOT ASHAMED of what I did.

My "Body Count" is probably quite high, when we worked a "target" folks DIED, LOTS OF THEM. I'm rated 30% PTSD, 60% chronic back pain (From a Chicom 122 close by), the rest is Agent Orange et alles.

Believe it when I say I payed my dues.

Damn I hate these wanabee glory seekers. Spend a day in my shoes asshole.

Sorry man, hey again Thanks for your service.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what we will hear from Karol the Klown on the the 4th of July? Will all the misfits join him in putting down OUR COUNTRIES day of FREEDOM on the air? If they are smart they won't do it.