Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I certainly hope no malcontent goofball gets too froggy. It is
3:10 Central time and Karol is in QSO with two very young children
at WB0LCC's house.

So far Karol hasn't burst into his anti-American speech, or how he
would like Al Queda to kill more of us.

Oh my....it couldn't last...at 3.15 CDT some dipshit is playing the
"Daughter with Big Tits" tape.

Great way to influence people towards Amateur Radio folks.

There needs to be a warning sign posted on 14.275 to warn off folks.

Now he is blaming Mikey. Like he can tell. Oh well.



Anonymous said...

Band is crap, I hear QSO's going on 14.277 but just a few screw balls on 14.275, can't hear the Madera bullshitter.

Dan/W4NTI said...

Europe been coming in all mid afternoon till now. On 277 that is a Polish station. No, not Karol. This guy is in Poland.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes when the band is in bad shape, you can use the Internet shortwave tuner at: http://www.smeter.net/slc/slc.php

The radio is located in Utah and almost always receives The Fruitcake with a very strong signal.

You might have to use Internet Explorer, though. The Mozilla Firefox browser doesn't work too well for me on this website. Also, before using the tuner, go to the link called "First-time users should start here" and read the section called "Eliminate Internet Explorer Reload Clicks with Each S-Meter Plot Update".

Anonymous said...

I heard Karol talking to that kid and thought, if only her parents knew... it's like witnessing the local pedophile playing Santa at Christmas. Karol Madera is such a sleazy creep he should be forced to transmit a warning about his transmissions with every communication.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, have checked it out and saved the link. I had tried using the one on K1MAN's site but that doesn't get checked I'm assuming because the retard is to busy suing people.

Anonymous said...

Quote: "Karol Madera is such a sleazy creep he should be forced to transmit a warning about his transmissions with every communication."

Maybe that's the real purpose of the alternating-tone signal he keeps broadcasting along with his callsign: it's an alert for parents that a sexual deviant is on frequency! :-)

Dan/W4NTI said...

Thanks for the link, I'll give it
a listen.

The purpose of the Emergency ALert
signal on Karol's signal? Because it is annoying and people hate it.

It's built in to his Marine Radio he uses on Ham bands.

Thank goodness he didn't buy a CB Echo Mic or a Clint Eastwood noise toy.


Dan/W4NTI said...

When I heard Karol talking to those children I just cringed. I even thought of breaking in and warning the father. BUT, I realised he would probably go into his name calling and cussing routing. So I bit my tongue so to speak.

Glad the father left soon. I'm sure he heard the tape players.

Thanks Karol.


Anonymous said...

The two -tone noise from Karol's radio is a signal to let the world know he's a pervert.

Anonymous said...

Why did you delete the Todd and Mark twins posting?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Today, Karol was talking about his "two-tone" marine radio and how he bought several of them, at surplus, for $4 each.

How are we going to keep ham degenerates off the air if some unscrupulous junk dealer is supplying their "radio fix"?

Anonymous said...

Quote: Why did you delete the Todd and Mark twins posting?!?!?

The two guys in the photo were way too good looking to be our Dynamic Duo.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I missed it. I thought they got you to delete it or something. I should have known better!