Saturday, July 5, 2008

14.275 the discrace of Amateur Radio

I am a veteran of the last period of radio wars. The one between the BARF and the so called Goodfellows, whatever. The BARF being the Bigoted Ayrian Racist Federation, or sometimes refereed to as the Better Amateur Radio Foundation. Again take your pick.

The side I THOUGHT I was on, was the ones with the White hat, the Goodfellows. I wonder about that now. But that is not the purpose of this commentary.

I just spent the last couple hours listening to 14.275. With the exception of hearing VE7KFM and his crappy sounding Marine radio bitching, moaning and accusing it SOUNDED EXACTLY LIKE 14.313 of years past. INCLUDING SOME OF THE SAME PLAYERS. Did you catch that? SOME OF THE SAME PLAYERS.

Like the guy that HATES George W. Bush and has that deep Southern Drawl, but ain't in the South. Or the guy that plays the 60s Rock music with a signal so loud that it can't be beamed at. And several others, but much weaker. Propagation or not running any amps?

Point being that this crap has escalated beyond the point of sensibility. All you clowns out there need to take a TIME OUT. Or PULL THE TRIGGER....I'm to the point that I don't give a damn which.

You people jamming, and trying to talk over, and acting like total idiots are accomplishing what, exactly? Why don't you just put on the dummy load, turn on the monitor on your rig and plug in the cans (earphones for you new guys)??? Then yap all the hell you want. Your doing as much good as you are having it on the antenna.

KAROL F. MADERA WANTS YOU TO ACT THE IDIOT. Don't you know that? Or are you the stupid one? Truth hurts don't it?

Riley Hollingsworth has gone off to the old soldiers home. He claims he will be on the air. I hope he stays clear of this mess. I don't know what it is exactly but it's like the tar pits in California, you get to close and it sucks ya in.

Riley....these guys are friggin CRAZY. Stay clear.

That's right....your friggin crazy. STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT. Let the jerk in BC have the dang frequency. Lets hope the Canadians are really doing something about it. We shall see right folks in Canada? hint hint hint.

And the rest of us in America try our best to shut up. I know its tough, he likes to pull our chains and is doing a great job of it. Show the world we are real men, not pulled around by the nose by the likes of that Immigrant from Eastern Europe.

Happy Canada Day up there.



Anonymous said...

You do realize you're talking about yourself as well. You have been sucked in plenty, does this mean we won't hear you on 14.275 anymore? Make up your mind Dan, either fight the loon or kill this blog and stay off 14.275 but do one or the other. Telling people they are part of the problem when you're doing the very same thing, is pot calling kettle black.

Anonymous said...

Another "Anonymous" user, sheeeesh.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, the top "anonymous post" sure has the smell of eternal no-coder Lloyd Davies on it. The boy can't pass the General exam or learn morse code, so he really has no say on what happens on the HF bands. He's certainly not a player, nor ever will be. He just likes to spout his totally useless uninformed opinions on matters that don't concern him. He claims to be part of the BARF, but I hear they only used him as a "token".

Dan/W4NTI said...


Man it's tough not even being accepted by the BARF (Bigoted Ayrian Racist Federation) BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

It could be old Llllloyd. I had just about forgot about him. But like the BARF, they just keep showing up..hi hi.

Remember Zipper Queen and his being the Lt. of BARF. What a frickig joke.

Good to hear you back in the fold again. Stay off of USENET and you will feel much better.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

Yes, Llllllllllllloyd and the Barfies were the fungus amoung us. I got into the "war" a little late" but was glad to do my bit on the internet.

Old Dave is a zipper queen allright, I think his lips are permanently glued to Karol's.

Yeah, don't have time for the ngs. Marqueer has ruined them for everybody. Being on the air is much better, only 4 more states before I get my WAS.