Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ham radio stuff

I've been catching up on lost Zsss all day. Woke up about 8pm and fired up the ole rig. WOW....there on 14.275 was Mikey calling CQ NO CONTEST. And there was Karol bitching and threatning Mikey as usual. And music from "Radio Canada" and various and sundry morons making noise.

So I tuned around and there were bunches of IARU (International Amateur Radio Union contest participants.

Like it's 10.30 PM now in Alabama and Twenty is wide open. So I got on CW at 150 watts to the antique TA33 and worked a few on the low end. New Zealand loud and clear.

Guess I know a lot less than I thought about HF propagation. I thought the bands were supposed to be dead this time of night?

Oh well...think I'll pass out some more Qs.



Anonymous said...

Amazing isn't it? Anytime someone wants to use 14.275, Karol fires up within seconds calling cq.

Then he'll say he's been there for hours. Then he'll accuse you of jamming.

If you ignore him, he'll test his alarm alert on his marine radio (deedle deedle roger beep).

I swear, I've never met a dumber sumbitch in my life. I tried to tell that moron Jim Laursen it was all Karol's fault, but he has his head up his kiester too. Oh well. Keep up the good work Dan!


Anonymous said...

Dear Riley,

Lacking authority to take official action against VE7KFM, or anyone else for that matter, I have decided to take matters into my own hands by personally delivering a case of Mr. Madera's favorite fermented beverage to his doorstep each morning on my way to work.

Constantly imbibed to the point of unconsciousness, Karol should pose no further threat to the Amateur Radio Community.


Dan/W4NTI said...

Is that you Riley?

Man I feel priviledged, a personal note from RH. Yeah right. Well let's play along a bit.

That's right, that's right Riley, that's right.

Thanks, be sure and write when you find work.


Dan/W4NTI said...

Jimmy L.

WOW I feel SO SPECIAL. And here is Jimmy Laurson the incompetent Industry Canadian employee.

How ya doing thar Jimmy? Ever figure out how to get that Sony portable radio to work? Well don't forget to turn it on, eh?

I'm sorry Jimmy, I know your trying. It's tough to keep up with KFM, being 3 miles away from you and all.

Great idea on the delivery. That will save a lot of trouble picking him up off the street..hi hi. I believe he prefers what us Yanks call "Canadian Moose Piss". Just what is that? I'm sure YOU KNOW.

See ya later, eh?


Anonymous said...

I heard VE7KFM on the air today and I just can't figure out what all the fuss is about.

His signal was rather weak, but through all the QRM and QRN, I understood him to be calling: "CQ for a Quick QSO and Prostate Check".

It sounds to me like this man is providing a public service to all hams!

Anonymous said...

Caroline is a waste of space drunken loser who can't get laid so complains on the air about it. His signal splatters all over the place and his amplifier can hardly keep up. Last night he was so drunk he didn't even know he was transmitting! Jim, you live 3 miles away, can I send you something to knock that store bought monobander off the roof? Maybe it will take out that Volvo he stole from the junk yard before it can hurt someone falling apart going down the road!

Anonymous said...

I think that was "Propagation Check" and not "Prostate Check".

Anonymous said...

I think that old, rusting Volvo forms the counterpoise ground system for his station. Take that out and the rest of his station will self-destruct!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. Caroline wouldn't know a propogation check if it crawled up his anus and belched. He says the words with no real intention of a real QSO. His equipment is falling apart and may do what Industry Canada has had no balls for, thats take him off the air. One day it will just fail, more so than usual and if we're lucky in a drunken stupor he'll spill a beer on the amp and it will arc to his nuts effectively taking care of two things at once.

Anonymous said...

Karol = Caroline for anybody who isn't keeping up.