Friday, July 11, 2008

They just don't get it, eh?

Who is W8FRG and KD8CTL? To my knowledge I've never heard of them.

Drop me a e-mail if your for real.

Good to see so many of the retards have found my little blog. You have noticed that mine allows comments, unlike yours gutless puke.

See ya in the contest. What contest you ask? The IARU one this weekend. Google it and get all the info. This is a nice and easy one. CW and SSB (That way it clutters up all the bands in both the major modes). hi hi. It's only 24 hours so maybe Marky can check in and pass out some points, that is if he ain't too doped up.

Oh yeah forgot, let me know when you want me to release that HEX my 13 friends down the street put on you. It will take a couple days to get rid of it. So let me know ASAP, if you wait too long, well you know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well Dan you called her a shemale faggot in RRAP shortly my wife kd8ctl got here license kd8ctl

of course you are not man enough to leave my wife out of your attacks or to remeber how you attack even

don't know of w8frg myself