Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ramblings and such.

Have you noticed how quiet 14.275 has been lately? Actually this is normal for when the Kanadian Fried Moron isn't around. Normal QSO's, DX being worked, normal ham to ham conversations. With just a little bit of tape playing silliness. Unfortunately some folks can't stand peace and quiet.

Lets say it the way it is folks....When Karol Madera, VE7KFM is NOT around then there is no madness and mayhem on the band. WONDER WHAT THAT MEANS?

He likes to say its because of him having a Spanish sounding last name...Uh..try Czechoslovakian. (He don't even know his family history). Or that he "speaks a foreign language" Not much anymore, his antics have long ago chased off the good Polish operators years ago. When the real reason is a clear as the wart on the end of his nose. PEOPLE HATE HIS GUTS BECAUSE OF HIS MOUTH, HIS LIES, HIS CRAPPY WIDE SIGNAL...etc.

Speaking of wide signals....wow was 20 eat up with Field Day activity on Saturday. I didn't play much but worked 108 stations. I did it all CW, phone was way to crowded to bother with since I was just operating from the house.

The only club that had a field day shut down at 7pm on SATURDAY. What did they get on the air....4 hours? Why bother is the question here. Next year I think I'll solicit some real hams and find us a spot, bring the cooler, fill it with ice and put in some cans to cool. Fire up the grill, and do it right. Who needs a club to enjoy each other, eh? Sure can't get the local club to do it. There so eat up with Emergency Comms they don't have any room for ham radio stuff. Bunch of Technicians that have a license because FEMA likes it that way. Sure ain't my deal with Ham Radio.

Don't get me wrong here, FEMA and the EOC have their deal, and this bunch has let them turn them into unpaid slaves in my opinion. I've done EMCOM all my adult life but that ain't good enough. Gotta take courses, pass tests, suck up to the EMA Director, etc. Forget that. When the crap hits the fan I'll be available, if they don't want me, that's fine too. Don't have to prove myself to anyone.

I just heard something that makes me want to cry. A Belgium station had to explain to a Stateside station WHERE BELGIUM WAS LOCATED. Keep up the good work you liberal school teachers.

Well things are quiet on the bands today. Think I'll play some digital.




Anonymous said...

Liberal schools are doing a fantastic job aren't they? (*cough cough*) Last night on "America's Got Talent" a girl was asked how far away Georgia was from Texas. Her response, "I have no idea". Nothing but blank behind the eyes but hey, brains has nothing to do with talent and at least she didn’t say she wanted to be like Brittany.

You listen to people who graduated High School talk and wonder if English is even taught anymore. But, at least they’re building prayer rooms for Muslim’s and foot baths and abiding by the supposed separation of Church and State… NOT.

One wonders if they even know where the supposed separation came from, how many know the founding fathers intent regarding this separation that IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION but doesn’t seem to matter to these folks, can’t pass a law, get the Supreme Court to rule on it and you have your law anyway.

I digress, field day pile ups were all over 20m and you’re right, people miss Karol judging by their antics of playing his recordings and acting up. At least they keep it to 14.275 mostly, the rest of the band is pretty clean.


Dan/W4NTI said...


When I went to school, back in the 50s and 60s I actually had to learn English, Mathmatics, Geography, Social Studies, etc. Even had to pass a test or three to get promoted. I don't remember taking a course in how to read a number written in CARTOON CHARACTERS, or do Math with a calculator. English? Hell thats a second language now a days. Didn't you realise Spanish is the language of Norte Americana??

I honestly believe the liberals had a plan to do exactly this. DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA INDEED. Be careful what you wish for.

I think you will find MOST people actually believe that catch phrase of "seperation of Church and State" actually is in the constitution. And will argue with you for a year about it. Just another example of dumbing down.

The hippies, now the yippies, or is it yuppies, decided long ago to screw up the country by teaching the youth a bunch of bullcrap. Same plan Hitler had, at least we stopped that. It worked.

You know what? The Latino's want our American SW and Canada. Give it to them. I'll go there and ask for government assistance, think a Gringo would qualify? Nope. The US has got to be total idiots.

Take it easy.