Sunday, July 20, 2008

Attention Attention Attention

If ya'll all are interested in following the scrambled mind of KB9RQZ then go to LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN MY MAILBOX TODAY right here on this blog.

Let the fun begin.



Erik's RV Blog said...


Having someone make false accusations can't be easy to deal with. My XYL would probably have to bail me out of jail after beating the person into last week. It wouldn't be the smartest of reactions but would make me feel better..

That being said, isn't there some kind of slander charge you can use to put this guy in his place?

Dan/W4NTI said...


They get away with this stuff because they are basically crazy, for lack of a better word.

He has gotten away with crap like, and worse this for YEARS. Go look at for just any old day in the last...oh 5 years. See all the horsecrap from this guy.

And that is ONLY one spot on the Internet. He has destroyed every single thing he has ever touched.

He has been reported, lost privlidges, etc. Comes back. Same game N9OGL and others play with apparant immunity.

The fact that he did what he did is illegal does not seem to bother certain Federal Agencies. I can only hope RQZ doesn't go too far and "someone" don't clock him a good one.

He is pathetic. Skinny, pimply faced puke with delusions of grandgure. He claims to be a College Graduate from not one, but TWO Universities...and can't spell. Yep.

He claims to be ex military, but was tossed for being a fag. Now that I can believe. The fag part that is. It goes on and on. \

Come to think of it he remeinds me of the sponge heads that soaked up to much ACID, as in LSD, back in the Hippy days.

He has been reported for his slander. My choice is simple, drop by for a chat, or take his arse to court. And the court will pat his little limp wrist and put him on "watch".

I just hope he don't go completly wacko and actually hurt some poor neighborhood kid. Which I personally believe he is capable of.

So if one day you see a report, ya'll know I told you first.


Dan/W4NTI said...


These type of loons get away with this stuff because they are basically crazy, for lack of a better word.

He has gotten away with crap like this and worse for YEARS. Go look at for just any old day in the last...oh 5 years. See all the horsecrap from this guy.

And that is ONLY one spot on the Internet. He has destroyed every single group he has ever touched and tossed out of them all at one time or another.

He has been reported, lost privlidges, etc. Comes back. Same game N9OGL and others play with apparant immunity.

The fact that he did what he did is illegal does not seem to bother certain Federal Agencies. I can only hope RQZ doesn't go too far and "someone" don't clock him a good one.

He is pathetic. Skinny, pimply faced puke with delusions of grandgure. He claims to be a College Graduate from not one, but TWO Universities...and can't spell. Yep.

He claims to be ex military, but was tossed for being a fag. Now that I can believe. The fag part that is. It goes on and on. \

Come to think of it he remeinds me of the sponge heads that soaked up to much ACID, as in LSD, back in the Hippy days.

He has been reported for his slander. My choice is simple, drop by for a chat, or take his arse to court. And the court will pat his little limp wrist and put him on "watch".

I just hope he don't go completly wacko and actually hurt some poor neighborhood kid. Which I personally believe he is capable of.

So if one day you see a report, ya'll know I told you first.


Anonymous said...


Of course he is capable, he has been talking about doing people violence if they trespass across his property, as he says he feels threatened. He claims he shot a kid recently from his blog:

Which I don't believe happened. But if it did, what do you think the kids father would do to Mark? Too ugly to post here.

Anonymous said...

I'm missing something what did the moron send you Dan??

Dan/W4NTI said...


Yes I am aware of all this. But thanks for bringing it up here.


Dan/W4NTI said...


Sometime back he got on, his blog and who knows where else. saying me and another ham had sent him a letter saying we had a child for him to perform sex with.

Some how or other he has now decided I am this dumbass called Lloyd Davis (under various spellings) who like thousands of others out here hate his arse.

He then called Child Welfare and turned me and this other ham in.

All of this is a figment of his crazy brain cells shorting out.


Anonymous said...

Oh yea you told me about what he did to you,had children services on you back and so on. Hell he claims you , Brain, and the cast of Ben-Hur as being Lloyd Davis or Wogger or who else his deminted mind can think of.

Erik's RV Blog said...

Quote Dan "Erik,

Yes I am aware of all this. But thanks for bringing it up here.


Not sure if you're meaning my original post in this thread? I only responded using my ID so if you're responding to an anonymous poster that wouldn't be me.

Anonymous said...

you do need mental Gan you bitch this blog is not supposed to be about and yet I am most of what you post about

but I said you might be "Dloyd Lavies"

that is why I made no false report at all that your brain is so scrambled is why you think you were falsely accused

it is s result of your failure to conect with reality Dan

it is sad realy

BTW how are those emails you are sending out to members of the CCRAA working out for you;)

Anonymous said...


Sorry for posting anonymously, but I feel I must protect myself from the likes of false accusers like Morgan.

Speaking of someone who needs kelp, here he is posting.

Something must be done to protect themselves from false accusers like Morgan, the tool of manipulation is this false reporting, if you say or do something that Morgan doesn't like, he dreams up that they are Delorean, Dloyd, or whatever and makes false accusations to get back at that person. This is what he does, this is who he is. Notice he is the ONLY one that believes in what he is doing?

Anonymous said...

Mark must spend the greater part of his day trolling around all the nooks and crannies of the Internet looking for negative things posted against him. No matter where something is posted, he finds it and responds.

Maybe, Mark himself is "Dloyd Lavies"!

Anonymous said...

no matter how you slice MY hands are clean of any wrong doing and I can live the life of goodcitizen that has done and will keep right on doing his duty to the people of the USA and to god

Anonymous said...

you don't what a fasle report is it seems
since I did and do and in fact I am more convinced than ever that you are likely the offer of the note claimignt o be willing to rent me the sexual service of that 9 yo

Anonymous said...

Sorry Marky, no one takes you seriously. Even law enforcement is on to you.

Dan/W4NTI said...

To All the Anonymous out there,

I wish we had a better world, but I understand your desire to remain hidden.

I guess I should have done the same. But I just want folks to know who is saying what. So I sign with my real ID.

Appreciate the input.


Dan/W4NTI said...

kb9rqz said...
no matter how you slice MY hands are clean of any wrong doing and I can live the life of goodcitizen that has done and will keep right on doing his duty to the people of the USA and to god

July 21, 2008 6:54 AM



Anonymous said...

- kb9rqz said...
no matter how you slice MY hands are clean of any wrong doing and I can live the life of goodcitizen that has done and will keep right on doing his duty to the people of the USA and to god -

Marky Mark likes to copy and paste old stuff. It was crap then, the copied version is still crap.