Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wow Marky, your sure well known.

Been hearing from a LOT of your bud's Marky. At least I assume they are....hi hi. (That's ham for a laugh, since you are probably not a ham either).

Seems a LOT of folks out there relish the thought of hunting you down and turning your face into hamburger meat pie. Man you are one popular dude.

Your a officer in the military, a victim of having your house burnt down, hunted by fagots and their friends, lets see what else whas there? Oh it just goes on and on.

I thought you had a little credibility, but boy was I wrong. Your a world class total fruitcake. Not worth of any persons interest. And now I understand why the local authorities just agree to check the charge out and apparently don't bother.

But guess what? IT'S A FEDERAL LAW with the STALKING your doing.



Anonymous said...

PS I am exclent marksman an skiled in krate

Do not undrestimate me if you like living

Dan/W4NTI said...


Bye Bye Marky, Bye Bye Marky.


Anonymous said...

you say bye bye but don't stfu

Anonymous said...

BTW faking threat in my call is silly but feel free to try

Anonymous said...

kb9rqz you're an exclent marksman an skiled in krate? Is that some kind of shipping competition? Trying to read your preschool level writing just ain't easy. Your threats are as weak as Karol's, both of you stink of weakness, even over the internet we can smell it and on the air its thick with it. You're a pathetic weak loser and your breath stinks of Karol's waste.